To introduce a new piece depicting St Joan of Arc, I've put together a video showing just some of the many images that helped inspire it. One of the many poems about St Joan by St. Therese of Lisieux was put to music by Vincent Lecornier, and makes up the soundtrack of the video. Here is an English translation of the lyrics:

Lord, Joan is Your splendid work,
A heart of fire, a warrior's soul:
You gave them to the timid virgin,
Whom You wished to crown with laurels.
Saint Joan of France,
Our hope rests in you,
Saint Joan of France,
Pray, pray for us!
In her humble meadow Joan heard,
Voices from Heaven calling her into combat,
She left to save her country,
The sweet child commanded the army.
Saint Joan of France,
Our hope rests in you,
Saint Joan of France,
Pray, pray for us!
She won over the souls of proud warriors,
The Divine lustre of Heaven's messenger,
Her pure gaze, her fiery words,
Were able to make bold brows give way....
Saint Joan of France,
Our hope rests in you,
Saint Joan of France,
Pray, pray for us!
Joan, you are our only hope.
From high in the Heavens, deign to hear our voices.
Come down to us, come convert France.
Come save her a second time.
Saint Joan of France,
Our hope Rests in you,
Saint Joan of France,
Pray, pray for us!